The Meditation Village in Japan arranged a meditation retreat for locals
During June 26-28, 2015, Wat phra Dhammakaya Gumma, Japan, arranged a meditation retreat for locals. This meditation retreat was well participated by a group of 10 Japanese college students and 1 teacher, under the persuasion of Ven. Phramaha Pongsak Dhaniyo.
12nd Inner Peace Meditation Retreat : London
On last July 10th-12th, 2015, Wat Phra Dhammakaya London organized a 3-day meditation retreat for locals, which was well participated by 17 local people. The retreat included meditation, Dhamma sermons, Dhamma talk and Q&A sessions about meditation.
Meditation Session for locals at Boxing camp, France
On Monday October 5th, 2015, the executives of VBC MMA, a standard big boxing camp in Iceland that teaches international boxing, Thai boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and modern martial arts,
Wat Dhammakaya DC arranged the meditation for natives
Magha Puja Day 2015, March 4th, Offering Lights to Brighten Your Life
Magha Puja Day is one of the most important Buddhist holy days in Thailand. Each of the 30,000 Buddhist temples across the nation holds its own ceremony to mark the occasion. The ceremony at Wat Phra Dhammakaya is one of the largest held in Thailand.
International Middle Way Three-Day Meditation retreat
From October 13-15, 2015 the Middle Way Meditation Institute organized the 9th International Middle Way Three-Day Meditation retreat at Pop House, Suan Tawan Dhamma.
The 131st Anniversary of the Great Master Phramongkolthepmuni’s Birth
The virtuous life of the Great Master Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro), or Luang Pu Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen, was exemplary from the beginning, in the middle and at the end.
The Photo Collection of the 2014 Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 20th, 2014
The Photo Collection of the 2014 Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 20th, 2014 The Dhammachai Dhutanga along the Ways of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro) in the third year From Wat Takong School to Wat Phra Pathone Chedi School The distance is 16.2 kilometers
The Middle Way Three-Day Meditation
On 8-10 December 2015, The Middle Way Meditation Institute organized the Middle Way Three-Day Meditation retreat, for the 12th time at POP HOUSE, in Bann Suan Tawan Dhamma.
Honoring the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanajahn on the Anniversary of His 74th Birthday
As the 74th anniversary of the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanajahn’s (Luang Por Dattajeevo) – Vice Abbot of the Wat Phra Dhammakaya, birthday approaches, it is of great honor and privilege for his disciples, comprised of venerable monks, novice monks, laymen and laywomen, and the general public, to recognize the benevolence and kindness of this magnanimous human being for his complete devotion to Buddhism and the vast knowledge he has imparted on us.